外師介紹 - Stephen

Teacher Stephen

Teacher Stephen 畢業於美國克里斯托弗紐波特大學 (Christopher Newport University),主修歷史和政治學。畢業後,他決定旅行探索世界,在亞洲的幾個國家旅行後,於2010年在台灣定居。教學多年的Teacher Stephen 相信:沒有哪個職業比教師的職業更有價值了。幫助孩子建立自信和裝備他們面對未來世界的挑戰一直是他教學動力的來源。
此外,Teacher Stephen 對歷史和社會研究以及文學充滿熱情,不斷嘗試將有趣的新材料融入他的課程中。他深信當學生學習令人興奮的事物時,他們會更有學習意願、更看重學習。
Teacher Stephen 教學幽默,鼓勵孩子在課程中發言,進行討論及批判性思考。當孩子自在和自信地提問時,他知道這些孩子將擁有實現自己夢想的能力。

Stephen graduated from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, USA with a B.A. in Liberal Arts, double majoring in History and Political Science.  Upon graduation he decided to travel and explore the world.  After travelling to several countries in Asia, he finally settled in Taiwan in early 2010.

He believes that no career can be more rewarding than that of a teacher. Helping children build their personality and equip them to face the challenges of a competitive world has been his driving force. He takes great pride in providing his students with everything necessary to meet life head on. He provides the best possible educational environment for students.  In his eight years of teaching he has come to understand that students must see how the English language can open many doors. It’s the language of business, science and travel. Having a passion for history and social studies, as well as English literature, he tries to incorporate interesting, new material into his lessons. When students learn exciting things, they appreciate their education more. He encourages discussion, critical thinking and humor in his lessons. When a child has the freedom and confidence to ask questions, they are perfectly positioned to fulfill their dreams.
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